The 3rd Installation Ceremony of the Interact Club, Maria Montessori Sr. Sec. School, Imphal was held on the 30th of Oct 2018, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Polocity, Imphal, during which the baton of responsibility was handed over. This year, we were privileged to have Manna Phanjoubam as President, Lukanand Kshetrimayum as Vice President, Nischay Nongthombam as Secretary, Prescila Thongam as Joint Secretary, Revoljit Nameirakpam as Treasurer and Chostina Oinam as Sergent.
The Installation Ceremony started off with inspiring and heartwarming speeches by last year president, Rupachandra Maibam and president of Rotary Club of Polocity, Imphal Mr. Pradeep Meitram.
The 47th School Interactors had the opportunity to mingle with many prominent Rotarian from the Rotary Club of Polocity, Imphal. The installation Ceremony in presence of the President, Rotarian Mr. Pradeep Meitram, Secretary Mr. Joybi Heikrujam, Chairman, Director, Principal and teachers was definitely a once – in – a – lifetime experience.